Mouth watering hog roasts tailored around your Wedding Evening

Evening Wedding Catering & Hog Roasts

We provide everything you need to ensure the evening wedding catering for your big day is memorable and hassle free. Our hog roast package for weddings includes a complete service, allowing the bride and groom to enjoy the wedding evening, knowing that their guests are are fully catered for with a succulent hog roast, carefully selected sides, and vegetarian and vegan options.

Our wedding catering team are fully versed in making sure everything goes with just the one important “hitch”. The team will take care of everything including discreetly setting up, providing all equipment, serving, and then clearing up in the evening.

Please note, catering is for the wedding evening only, this is not a wedding breakfast service.


Side dishes are priced per head per item. We also have lovely tried and tested Homemade Vegetarian options available if required.

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